The 888 Co-operative Causeway, located in the Melbourne CBD, has been established for start-up co-operatives and social cooperators working on innovative projects.

The space supports cross pollination of ideas and opportunities; and connects members with a broader community of co-operative groups. Members of the co-operative include people passionate about such diverse areas as action foresight, youth justice, co-operative development and representation, data analytics, yoga accounting (!)  and social enterprise development.

By being a part of the space you will learn by doing as we consolidate the first Victorian co-operative co-working space and network in Melbourne.

A real benefit is to have a Collins St address too – right at the centre of things!

Oh, and did we mention that we are affiliated to a quirky club in close proximity for after co-working socialising? Great for organising events in the center of the city at no cost to members booking through the co-operative.

As a special offer we have a couple of spaces until the end of the year for $457 all inclusive. If you are enjoying the benefits stay for 2019! Interested?